Friday, July 1, 2011

First Trip to the Dentist

Nate went to the dentist for the first time today.  He was EXCELLENT!!!!!  He did everything that was asked of him, I was so proud.

We have been reading a lot of books about going to the dentist and he came with me for my last cleaning, so nothing was really foreign to him.  He sat in the chair like a big boy, had his teeth counted, had his teeth polished, had a little plaque removed and had a floride treatment.  Then for the best part, he got to show off his spitting skills by spitting in the sink.

Then came the best part... a new toothbrush, Scooby Doo stickers, and a red (Nate's favorite color to paint with) balloon. 

Sitting in the chair

Getting his teeth tickled polished
Having the dentist count his teeth (he has 20 in case you're interested)

A Second Visit with Thomas

Recently we made our second pilgrimage to the Strasburg Railroad to see Nate's favorite mode of transportation... Thomas the Tank Engine.  Interestingly enough, I actually have no pictures of the engine in question, only picture of my little boy having the time of his life.

This is our second visit to see Thomas in the flesh, so to speak.  We went on a weekday, which was a very good thing, as the crowds were manageable and the lines much shorter.  Less people meant that we got to do some of the other things there like ride on the cranky cars and take a ride on the Cagney train, both of which Nate loved!

A bonus ride was in the school bus that acts as a shuttle between the railroad station and the corn field parking lot.

 On daddy's lap in the school bus

Having a snack while taking a ride on Thomas

Watching out the window as we pull back into the station