Nate is 9 months old today. Who can believe it, it has gone by so fast. Things are progressing nicely although it seems to me that they are picking up the pace a little bit.
Nate has not one, but two teeth on the bottom.
He is crawling, actually, really crawling now as evidenced by his following me from our bedroom down the hallway and into the bathroom yesterday.
He is pulling up on EVERYTHING! This has led to a couple of bumps and bruises when he pulls himself up on things that are hard and like to bite little boys (like the cast iron foot board on our bed).
He has started cruising, not just around pieces of furniture, but from one piece to the other. And being the very brave boy that he is, he is letting go more and more and standing supported!
The other day he went from sitting on the floor, to sticking his little butt up in the air (think downward facing dog) to standing unsupported... I was amazed at his strength.
His hand eye coordination has gotten much better thanks to Gerber puffs (AKA baby crack), Cheerios, and freeze dried apple pieces. If it is on the try of his high chair and it is little, he is going to pinch it and put it in my mouth.
Way to go, little man!